
Publication type

  1. Germany Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2013)
    In: Ligeti, Katalin (Eds.), Towards a prosecutor for the European Union, Volume 1: A comparative analysis, Hart, Oxford, (Modern studies in European law, 34), pp. 264-306
  2. Stalking – a criminological Perspective Journal Article
    Höffler, Katrin (2013)
    In: Kyushu University Legal Research Bulletin, 2013(3), pp. 1-11
  3. Legal-political essays on the developments in Germany's criminal justice system Contribution
    Albrecht, Peter-Alexis (2013)
    In: Albrecht, Peter-Alexis; Komarov, Vyacheslav; Moschak, Gregorii; Navrotskyy, Vyacheslav (Eds.), Ukraïny vlasnyj šljach / Der eigene Weg der Ukraine / Ukraine's own Path, Berliner Wiss.-Verl., Berlin, pp. 53-59
  4. Punishment without a sovereign? The Ius Puniendi issue of international criminal law: a first contribution towards a consistent theory of international criminal law Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2013)
    In: Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 33(2), pp. 293-315
  5. Amtsgericht Köln (County Court of Cologne) Judgment no 528 Ds 30/11 and Landgericht Köln (District Court of Cologne) judgment no 151 Ns 169/11 Journal Article
    Bohlander, Michael (2013)
    In: Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 2(1), pp. 217-218
  6. Why self-money laundering must remain exempt from punishment Contribution
    Schröder, Christian ; Bergmann, Marcus (2013)
    In: Bergmann, Marcus; Schröder, Christian (Eds.), Warum die Selbstgeldwäsche straffrei bleiben muss, Berliner Wiss.-Verl., Berlin, pp. 71-130
  7. The ECHR and the German system of preventive detention : an overview of the current legal situation in Germany Contribution
    Kinzig, Jörg (2013)
    In: Caianiello, Michele (Eds.), Preventing danger. New paradigms in criminal justice, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, pp. 71-95
  8. The concept of causation in the law Contribution
    Puppe, Ingeborg (2013)
    In: Kahmen, Benedikt; Stepanians, Markus (Eds.), Critical essays on "Causation and responsibility", De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 67-109
  9. Penal theory and the protection of life – the human dignity argument and its inconsistencies in German criminal law Contribution
    Wörner, Liane (2013)
    In: Sinn, Arndt (Eds.), Menschenrechte und Strafrecht. Beiträge zur 4. Sitzung des International Forum on Crime and Criminal Law in the Global Era (IFCCLGE), V&R Unipress, Göttingen, (Schriften des Zentrums für Europäische und Internationale Strafrechtsstudien, 5), pp. 25-36
  10. IRG - AICCM. Gesetz über die internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen - Act on international cooperation in criminal matters Book
    Schomburg, Wolfgang ; Bohlander, Michael (2013)
    ISBN 9783406636776, Beck, München
  11. The German legal system and legal language. A general survey together with notes and German vocabulary Book
    Fisher, Howard D. (2013)
    ISBN 9781905536511, Clarus Press, Dublin
  12. Germany: balancing truth against protected constitutional interests Contribution
    Gless, Sabine (2013)
    In: Thaman, Stephen (Eds.), Exclusionary Rules in Comparative Law, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 113-142
  13. The legality principle in American and German criminal law. An essay in comparative legal history Contribution
    Dubber, Markus D. (2013)
    In: Martyn, Georges; Musson, Anthony; Pihlajamäki, Heikki (Eds.), From the judge's Arbitrium to the legality principle. Legislation as a source of law in criminal trials, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Comparative studies in continental and Anglo-American legal history, 31), pp. 365-385
  14. Germany Contribution
    Ambos, Kai ; Bock, Stefanie (2013)
    In: Bohlander, Michael; Reed, Alan (Eds.), Participation in crime. Domestic and comparative perspectives, Ashgate, Farnham [u.a.], (Substantive issues in criminal law, ), pp. 323-339
  15. Sentencing in Germany. Explaining long-term stability in the structure of criminal sanctions and sentencing Journal Article
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2013)
    In: Law and Contemporary Problems, 76(1), pp. 211-236