
Publication type

  1. Effects of shift work on the mental health of police officers: Results from a study within the police of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Journal Article
    Opielka, Sascha ; Staller, Mario (2024)
    In: Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, pp. 1-12
  2. Differences in United States and German police organizations with an impact on the policing of public assemblies Contribution
    Bürger, Bernd ; Thielmann, Gerd ; Hanson, Alan ; Dobson, Craig (2023)
    In: Bürger, Bernd; Herold, Tamara; Lee, Ryan (Eds.), Public order policing. A professional's guide to international theories, case studies, and best practices, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 149-167
  3. Contextualising police stops in public debates: Policy turning-points in Germany Contribution
    Aden, Hartmut ; Bosch, Alexander ; Fährmann, Jan ; Thurn, Roman (2023)
    In: Maillard, Jacques; Rowe, Michael; Verfaillie, Kristof (Eds.), The politicization of police stops in Europe. Public issues and police reform, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, (Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies, ), pp. 245-266
  4. Strategies for resilience: results from a German pilot project to prevent far-right radicalisation within the police Journal Article
    Koehler, Daniel ; Filipps, Julia (2023)
    In: Policing and Society, pp. 1-15
  5. Police organization and the policing of assemblies in Germany Contribution
    Bürger, Bernd ; Thielmann, Gerd (2023)
    In: Bürger, Bernd; Herold, Tamara; Lee, Ryan (Eds.), Public order policing. A professional's guide to international theories, case studies, and best practices, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 169-200
  6. Local cultures of control, order maintenance policing, and gentrification: A comparison of railway station districts in three German cities Journal Article
    Üblacker, Jan ; Lukas, Tim (2023)
    In: Journal of Urban Affairs, pp. 1-24
  7. The criminal justice system in Germany Contribution
    Enescu, Rasluca ; Leszczynska, Aneta ; Momsen, Carsten (2023)
    In: Mbuba, Jospeter (Eds.), Comparative criminal justice. International trends and practices, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, pp. 185-201
  8. “In police we trust?”—Confidence in the police among adolescents with and without a migration background in Germany Journal Article
    Krieg, Yvonne ; Lehmann, Lena ; Dreißigacker, Leonie ; Kliem, Sören (2023)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 29(2), pp. 227-246
  9. Policing the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Challenges and learnings for future crises Contribution
    Aden, Hartmut (2023)
    In: Bervoets, Eric; Boer, Monica; Hak, Linda (Eds.), Plural policing, security and the COVID crisis, Springer International Publishing, Cham, (Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies, ), pp. 139-160
  10. Digital equipment – a game changer for police training?! Experiences of the Bavarian Police training Journal Article
    Fuchs, Micha (2023)
    In: Police Practice and Research, 24(1), pp. 72-89
  11. Holding down the fort. Policing communities and community-oriented policing in rural Germany Book
    Bielejewski, Aaron (2023)
    ISBN 9783658397722, Springer VS, Wiesbaden
  12. Plural policing in Germany - Heterogeneity and the contingency of its making Contribution
    John, Tobias (2022)
    In: Garand, Jacqueline; Hirschmann, Nathalie; John, Tobias; Reichl, Frauke (Eds.), Plural policing in the global north. Insights into concepts, aspects and practices, Springer, Cham, pp. 51-69
  13. Negotiating the territories of anti-trafficking efforts. The “unlikely cooperation” between police officers and social workers in Germany Contribution
    Leser, Julia ; Dölemeyer, Anne (2022)
    In: Darley, Mathilde (Eds.), Trafficking and sex work. Gender, race and public order, Routledge, London, pp. 68-83
  14. Plural policing of immigrant neighbourhoods in Germany: An understanding of the concept and resulting recommendations for action Contribution
    Frevel, Bernhard ; Pehle, Sigrid (2022)
    In: Garand, Jacqueline; Hirschmann, Nathalie; John, Tobias; Reichl, Frauke (Eds.), Plural policing in the global north. Insights into concepts, aspects and practices, Springer, Cham, pp. 73-85