
Reference type filter

  1. Political decision-making and the phenomenon of elite corruption Contribution
    Heinrich, Bernd (2017)
    In: Zimmermann, Frank (Eds.), Criminal liability of political decision-makers. A comparative perspective, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 323-334
  2. A phenomenological ethnography of shame in the context of German criminal law Journal Article
    Landweer, Hilge; Kozin, Alexander; Rosenmüller, Stefanie (2015)
    In: Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 6(1), pp. 57-75
  3. Forecasting crime in Germany in times of demographic change Journal Article
    Hanslmaier, Michael; Kemme, Stefanie; Stoll, Katharina; Baier, Dirk (2015)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 21(4), pp. 591-610
  4. Crime and literature in the Weimar Republic and beyond : telling the tale of the poisoners Ella Klein and Margarete Nebbe Contribution
    Herzog, Todd (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 226-244
  5. Class, youth, and sexuality in the construction of the Lustmörder : the 1928 murder trial of Karl Hussmann Contribution
    Bischoff, Eva; Siemens, Daniel (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 207-225
  6. Punishment on the path to socialism : socialist perspectives on crime and criminal justice before World War I Contribution
    Fleiter, Andreas (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 56-85
  7. Justice is blind : crowds, irrationality, and criminal law in the Late Kaiserreich Contribution
    Hett, Benjamin Carter (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 31-55
  8. Insecurities about crime in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: A review of research findings Journal Article
    Gerber, Monica M.; Hirtenlehner, Helmut; Jackson, Jonathan (2010)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 7(2), pp. 141-157
  9. Images of crime and the German justice system in German trial soaps Contribution
    Fludernik, Monika; Brandenstein, Martin (2009)
    In: Albrecht, Hans-Jörg; Kania, Harald; Serassis, Telemach (Eds.), Images of Crime III : representations of crime and the criminal, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, pp. 165-182
  10. Crime and criminal justice history in Germany. A report on recent trends Journal Article
    Reinke, Herbert (2009)
    In: Crime, Histoire & Sociétés, 13(1), pp. 117-137
  11. Lay judges in the German criminal court: social-psychological aspects of the German criminal justice system Contribution
    Bliesener, Thomas (2006)
    In: Kaplan, Martin (Eds.), Understanding world jury systems through social psychological research, Psychology Press, New York, (Applied (social) psychology/legal studies, ), pp. 179-197
  12. Why aren't German penal policies harsher and imprisonment rates higher? Journal Article
    Tonry, Michael H. (2004)
    In: German Law Journal, 5(10), pp. 1187-1206