
Publication type
  • 10 of 1232 Publications

  1. Country report “Germany” Contribution
    Böse, Martin ; Bröcker, Maria (2021)
    In: Bröcker, Maria; Böse, Martin; Schneider, Anne (Eds.), Judicial protection in transnational criminal proceedings, Springer, Cham, (Legal Studies in International, European and Comparative Criminal Law, 5), pp. 93-148
  2. Act on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Internet Document
    Bundesrepublik Deutschland, (2019)
    Open Access
  3. Exchange of intercepted electronic communication data between foreign countries Contribution
    Wahl, Thomas (2016)
    In: Boulet, Gertjan; Hert, Paul; Polčák, Radim; Sieber, Ulrich; Tropina, Tatiana; von zur Mühlen, Nicolas (Eds.), Access to telecommunication data in criminal justice. A comparative analysis of European legal orders, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht. S, Strafrechtliche Forschungsberichte, Band 156), pp. 570-599
  4. IRG - AICCM. Gesetz über die internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen - Act on international cooperation in criminal matters Book
    Schomburg, Wolfgang ; Bohlander, Michael (2013)
    ISBN 9783406636776, Beck, München
  5. Act on international cooperation in criminal matters Contribution
    Bohlander, Michael ; Schomburg, Wolfgang (2012)
    In: Gless, Sabine; Lagodny, Otto; Schomburg, Wolfgang (Eds.), Internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen, Beck, München, (Beck'sche Kurz-Kommentare, 47), pp. 581-620
  6. German practice regarding enforcement of sentences passed by international criminal courts and tribunals Journal Article
    Elberling, Björn (2011)
    In: German Yearbook of International Law, pp. 665-670
  7. Germany Contribution
    Kress, Claus ; MacLean, Jan (2000)
    In: Kress, Claus; Lattanzi, Flavia (Eds.), The Rome statute and domestic legal orders. General aspects and constitutional issues, Ed. Il Sirente, Ripa di Fagnano Alto, pp. 131-154
  8. The importance of comparative legal research for the development of criminal sciences Contribution
    Eser, Albin (1997)
    In: Blanpain, Roger (Eds.), Law in motion. Recent developments in civil procedure, constitutional, contract, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, (International encyclopaedia of laws, ), pp. 492-517
  9. République Fédérale D'Allemagne Journal Article
    Corves, E. ; Bartsch, H.-J. (1984)
    In: Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal, 55(1), pp. 307-326

  • 10 of 1232 Publications