
Publication type

  1. The German organ transplant scandal: The collective mindsets of physicians Contribution
    Pohlmann, Markus ; Höly, Kristina (2023)
    In: Dannecker, Gerhard; Dölling, Dieter; Hermann, Dieter; Höly, Kristina; Mitra, Subrata; Pohlmann, Markus; Trombini, Maria (Eds.), Organizational crime, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, (Organization, management and crime - Organisation, Management und Kriminalität, ), pp. 231-250
  2. The German organ transplant scandal: An analysis of court records and official documents from the medical association Contribution
    Pohlmann, Markus ; Höly, Kristina (2023)
    In: Dannecker, Gerhard; Dölling, Dieter; Hermann, Dieter; Höly, Kristina; Mitra, Subrata; Pohlmann, Markus; Trombini, Maria (Eds.), Organizational crime, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, (Organization, management and crime - Organisation, Management und Kriminalität, ), pp. 207-229
  3. Germany Contribution
    Kayacan, Derya Nur (2022)
    In: Kayacan, Derya (Eds.), The right to die with dignity. How far do human rights extend?, Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, (European Union and Its Neighbours in a Globalized World Series, 6), pp. 120-129
  4. The issue of "Triage" in German criminal law Contribution
    Heinrich, Bernd (2022)
    In: (Eds.), Завдання кримінального права в умовах надзвичайного стану : Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої 25-річчю утворення Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія», , Одеса, pp. 38-41
  5. Patient autonomy and criminal law : A German perspective Contribution
    Magnus, Dorothea (2022)
    In: Daniluk, Pawel (Eds.), Patient autonomy and criminal law. European perspectives, Routledge, London, (Routledge research in health law, ), pp. 114-136
  6. Assisted suicide in Germany: the landmark ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court of February 26, 2020 Journal Article
    Göken, Hanna ; Zwießler, Franziska (2022)
    In: German Law Journal, 23(4), pp. 661-671
  7. The right to assisted dying: constitutional jurisprudence and its impact in Canada, Germany and Austria Journal Article
    Braun, Kerstin (2021)
    In: ICL Journal, 15(3), pp. 291-318
  8. The pandemic and criminal law – a look at theory and practice in Germany Journal Article
    Lorenz, Henning ; Turhan, Engin (2021)
    In: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 26(6), pp. 9-26
  9. Is this the society in which we want to live? Journal Article
    Radbruch, Lukas ; Jaspers, Birgit (2021)
    In: Journal of palliative medicine, 24(2), pp. 160-161
  10. Autonomy and the right to (end one’s?) life: a German perspective Contribution
    Momsen, Carsten ; Schwarze, Mathis (2021)
    In: Forster, Charles; Herring, Jonathan; O'Neill, Clayton; Tingle, John (Eds.), Routledge handbook of global health rights, Routledge, London, pp. 332-347
  11. Allocating scarce medical resources under German Criminal Law: the justifying collision of duties in triage situations Journal Article
    Denzel, Moritz (2020)
    In: Revista de Estudos Criminais, 19(78), pp. 23-68
  12. How to define human dignity, and the resulting implications for biotechnology Contribution
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2018)
    In: Grimm, Dieter; Kemmerer, Alexandra; Möllers, Christoph (Eds.), Human dignity in context: explorations of a contested concept, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 561-582
  13. German law on surrogacy and egg donation. The logic of restrictions Contribution
    Hörnle, Tatjana ; Dücker, Sabrina (2018)
    In: Mitra, Sayani; Patel, Tulsi; Schicktanz, Silke (Eds.), Cross-cultural comparisons on surrogacy and egg donation. Interdisciplinary perspectives from India, Germany and Israel, Springer, Cham, pp. 231-253
  14. Assisted suicide: Models of legal regulation in selected European countries and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights Journal Article
    Grosse, Claudia ; Grosse, Alexandra (2015)
    In: Medicine, Science and the Law, 55(4), pp. 246-258