
Publication type

  1. May government ever use torture? Two responses from German law Journal Article
    Brugger, Winfried (2000)
    In: The American Journal of Comparative Law, 48(4), pp. 661-678
  2. Imprisonment and prisoners' work: Normalization or less eligibility? Journal Article
    Feest, Johannes (1999)
    In: Punishment and Society, 1(1), pp. 99-107
  3. The case of substantive criminal law before the bars of constitutional law. An overview from the perspective of the German legal order Journal Article
    Lagodny, Otto (1999)
    In: European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 7(3), pp. 277-288
  4. Human dignity and its impact on German substantive criminal law and criminal procedure Journal Article
    Lagodny, Otto (1999)
    In: Israel Law Review, 33(3), pp. 575-591
  5. Constitutional principles, criminal law principles and German drug law Journal Article
    Nestler, Cornelius (1998)
    In: Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 1(2), pp. 661-690
  6. The civil liberties guarantees of the German Grundgesetz and their interpretation by the Constitutional Court - a criminal lawyer’s point of view Journal Article
    Jung, Heike (1997)
    In: European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 5(4), pp. 405-409
  7. Reforming abortion legislation in unified Germany Contribution
    Koch, Hans-Georg (1995)
    In: The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, (Eds.), The abortion debate in transatlantic perspective, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Washington, (AICGS seminar paper, 10), pp. 85-100
  8. A constitutional duty to outlaw abortion? A comparative analysis for the American and German abortion decisions Journal Article
    Brugger, Winfried (1987)
    In: Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, pp. 49-66
  9. The principle of "harm" in the concept of crime : a comparative analysis of the criminally protected legal interests Journal Article
    Eser, Albin (1966)
    In: Duquesne University Law Review, pp. 345-417