
Publication type

  1. Prosecutorial discretion Contribution
    Fyfe, Shannon ; Heinze, Alexander (2022)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 169-218
  2. Relevance of data security and data protection in companies from the perspective of criminal law Contribution
    Momsen, Carsten (2022)
    In: Frenz, Walter (Eds.), Handbook industry 4.0, Springer, Berlin, pp. 41-71
  3. The effects of SARS-CoV-2 on criminal procedure in Germany Journal Article
    Bühner, Wilhem ; Rank, Anni (2022)
    In: German Law Journal, 23(4), pp. 672-686
  4. Germany: Between laissez-faire and literal regulation – the German approach to the implementation of the directives on defence rights Contribution
    Albrecht, Anna H.; Schneider, Anne (2022)
    In: Caianiello, Michele; Contissa, Giuseppe; Lasagni, Giulia; Sartor, Giovanni (Eds.), Effective protection of the rights of the accused in the EU directives. A computable approach to criminal procedure law, Brill Nijhoff, Leiden, pp. 114-132
  5. Technological surveillance in the Federal Republic of Germany Contribution
    Shi, Jiahui (2022)
    In: Shi, Jiahui (Eds.), Technological surveillance of communication in American, German and Chinese criminal procedure, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Beiträge zum Internationalen und Europäischen Strafrecht - Studies in International and European Criminal Law and Procedure, 51), pp. 114-208
  6. Arrest and coercion Contribution
    Vogler, Richard ; Brodowski, Dominik (2022)
    In: Ambos, Kai; Duff, Antony; Heinze, Alexander; Roberts, Julian; Weigend, Thomas (Eds.), Core concepts in criminal law and criminal justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 219-259
  7. Consensual exchanges in German criminal procedure: the practice of negotiated judgments and the crown-witness regulation Contribution
    Schertel Mendes, Francisco (2021)
    In: Schertel Mendes, Francisco (Eds.), Leniency policies in the prosecution of economic crimes and corruption, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 150-213
  8. Better to explain or to testify? The position of the accused as a source of oral evidence in a criminal trial in a comparative perspective Journal Article
    Kuczyńska, Hanna (2021)
    In: Comparative Law Review, pp. 47-77
  9. Victims’ rights looking good on paper - How criminal prosecution in Germany fails victims of sexual violence Journal Article
    Wolf, Anne-Katrin ; Werner, Maja (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(5), pp. 800-816
  10. Corporate responsibility in Germany Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2021)
    In: Ghanayim, Khalid; Shany, Yuval (Eds.), The quest for core values in the application of legal norms. Essays in honor of Mordechai Kremnitzer, Springer, Cham, pp. 103-119
  11. Undercover investigation. Germany Contribution
    Teichmann, Fabian Maximilian Johannes (2021)
    In: Teichmann, Fabian (Eds.), Methods of terrorism financing. Criminal procedural obstacles to the prevention of crime in Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland, Peter Lang, Berlin, (Internationales und Europäisches Strafverfahrensrecht, Band 21), pp. 317-334
  12. Digital surveillance. Germany Contribution
    Teichmann, Fabian Maximilian Johannes (2021)
    In: Teichmann, Fabian (Eds.), Methods of terrorism financing. Criminal procedural obstacles to the prevention of crime in Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland, Peter Lang, Berlin, (Internationales und Europäisches Strafverfahrensrecht, Band 21), pp. 271-293
  13. “In the name of the people” Contribution
    Machura, Stefan ; Rennig, Christoph (2021)
    In: Diamond, Shari; Hans, Valerie; Ivković, Sanja; Marder, Nancy (Eds.), Juries, lay judges, and mixed courts. A Global perspective, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 152-173
  14. The handling of digital evidence in Germany Contribution
    Gless, Sabine ; Wahl, Thomas (2021)
    In: Caianiello, Michele; Camon, Alberto (Eds.), Digital forensic evidence. Towards common European standards in antifraud administrative and criminal investigations, Wolters Kluwer, Milano, (Collezione di giustizia penale, 7), pp. 49-86
  15. A comparative analysis of statutes of limitation Contribution
    Hochmayr, Gudrun (2021)
    In: Gropp, Walter; Hochmayr, Gudrun (Eds.), Die Verjährung als Herausforderung für die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachen, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, pp. 705-832