
Publication type

  1. Germany Contribution
    Drenkhahn, Kirstin ; Dudeck, Manuela ; Dünkel, Frieder (2014)
    In: Drenkhahn, Kirstin; Dudeck, Manuela; Dünkel, Frieder (Eds.), Long-term imprisonment and human rights, Routledge, London, (Routledge frontiers of criminal justice, 21), pp. 180-197
  2. Sentencing and prison practices in Germany and the Netherlands Journal Article
    Subramanian, Ram ; Shames, Alison (2014)
    In: Federal Sentencing Reporter, 27(1), pp. 33-45
  3. Contradictions in German penal practices: the long goodbye from the rehabilitation principle Contribution
    Dollinger, Bernd ; Kretschmann, Andrea (2013)
    In: Ruggiero, Vincenzo; Ryan, Mick (Eds.), Punishment in Europe. A critical anatomy of penal systems, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, (Palgrave studies in prisons and penology, ), pp. 132-156
  4. Sentencing in Germany. Explaining long-term stability in the structure of criminal sanctions and sentencing Journal Article
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2013)
    In: Law and Contemporary Problems, 76(1), pp. 211-236
  5. The incapacitation of the dangerous offender: criminal policy and legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany Contribution
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2012)
    In: Duker, Marius; Malsch, Marijke (Eds.), Incapacitation. Trends and new perspectives, Routledge, Ashgate, pp. 39-61
  6. German practice regarding enforcement of sentences passed by international criminal courts and tribunals Journal Article
    Elberling, Björn (2011)
    In: German Yearbook of International Law, pp. 665-670
  7. Juvenile law and recidivism in Germany - new evidence from the old continent Journal Article
    Pichler, Stefan ; Roemer, Daniel (2011)
    In: University of Heidelberg - Discussion Paper Series, pp. 1-47
  8. Life sentences in Germany: an example of increasing punitiveness in the criminal justice system? Contribution
    Dessecker, Axel (2011)
    In: Kury, Helmut; Shea, Evelyn (Eds.), Punitiveness and punishment, Brockmeyer, Bochum, (Crime and crime policy, 8-3), pp. 21-42
  9. Factor structure of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth version in German female and male detainees and community adolescents Journal Article
    Sevecke, Kathrin ; Pukrop, Ralf ; Kosson, David S.; Krischer, Maya K. (2009)
    In: Psychological Assessment, 21(1), pp. 45-56
  10. Dangerousness, long prison terms, and preventive measures in Germany Journal Article
    Dessecker, Axel (2009)
    In: Champ pénal/Penal field, pp. 1-27
  11. Why aren't German penal policies harsher and imprisonment rates higher? Journal Article
    Tonry, Michael H. (2004)
    In: German Law Journal, 5(10), pp. 1187-1206