
Publication type

  1. Sexuality and crime. The victims of sexual offenses Journal Article
    Bottke, Wilfried (1999)
    In: Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 3(1), pp. 293-315
  2. Community in German criminal justice: A significant absence Journal Article
    Lacey, Nicola ; Zedner, Lucia (1998)
    In: Social & Legal Studies, 7(1), pp. 7-26
  3. Victim/offender mediation and victim compensation in Austria and Germany. Stocktaking and perspectives for future research Journal Article
    Löschnig-Gspandl, Marianne ; Kilchling, Michael (1997)
    In: European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 5(1), pp. 58-78
  4. Compensating crime victims - Germany Contribution
    Kaiser, Michael ; Kilchling, Michael (1996)
    In: Greer, Desmond (Eds.), Compensating crime victims. A european survey, Iuscrim, Freiburg i. Br., (Beiträge und Materialien aus dem Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht Freiburg i. Br, S 59), pp. 255-297
  5. Crime victims in German courtrooms. A comparative perspective on American problems Journal Article
    Pizzi, William T.; Perron, Walter (1996)
    In: Stanford Journal of International Law, 32(1), pp. 37-64
  6. The victim-plaintiff in criminal trials and civil law responses to sexual violence Journal Article
    Goy, Alexandra (1996)
    In: Cardozo Women's Law Journal, 3(2), pp. 335-348
  7. Urbanization and crime. Germany 1871 - 1914 Book
    Johnson, Eric Arthur (1995)
    ISBN 9780521527002, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  8. The position of the victim in criminal procedure - Results of a German study Journal Article
    Kury, Helmut ; Kaiser, Michael ; Teske, Raymond H.C. (1994)
    In: International Review of Victimology, 3(1-2), pp. 69-81
  9. Legal advice in criminal proceedings in the Federal Republic of Germany Journal Article
    Bohlander, Michael (1992)
    In: Criminal Law Forum, 3(3), pp. 401-418
  10. Victims' rights - prospects and limitations for a campaign for criminal policy Contribution
    Jung, Heike (1989)
    In: Hood, Roger (Eds.), Crime and criminal policy in Europe. Proceedings of a European colloquium, 3 - 6 July 1988, , Oxford, pp. 87-91
  11. A comparative analysis of factors related to fear of crime in the United States (Texas) and the Federal Republic of Germany (Baden-Württemberg) Journal Article
    Teske, Raymond H.C.; Arnold, Harald R. (1987)
    In: International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 11(1-2), pp. 33-45
  12. The victim in the criminal justice system Contribution
    Jung, Heike (1986)
    In: Miyazawa, Koichi (Eds.), Victimology in comparative perspective. Papers given at the "Fourth International Symposium on Victimology" 1982 in Tokyo-Kyoto, Seibundo Publishing, Tokyo, pp. 349-358
  13. The influence of victim behaviour on the dogmatic judgement of the offence: some remarks on the relationship between victimology and the dogmatics of penal law Contribution
    Hillenkamp, Thomas (1986)
    In: Miyazawa, Koichi (Eds.), Victimology in comparative perspective. Papers given at the "Fourth International Symposium on Victimology" 1982 in Tokyo-Kyoto, Seibundo Publishing, Tokyo, pp. 111-124
  14. Victim compensation and offender restitution in the Federal Republic of Germany - A Western-European comparative perspective Journal Article
    Dünkel, Frieder (1985)
    In: International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 9(1-2), pp. 29-39