
Publication type

  1. Criminal responsibility of German soldiers in Afghanistan: the case of Colonel Klein Journal Article
    Groeben, Constantin (2010)
    In: German Law Journal, 11(5), pp. 469-491
  2. Accountability for the torture memo. Prosecuting Guantanamo in Europe: can and shall the masterminds of the “torture memos” be held criminally responsible on the basis of universal jurisdiction? Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2009)
    In: Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 42(1/2), pp. 405-448
  3. German jurisprudence on genocidal intent and the European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms Contribution
    Werle, Gerhard (2007)
    In: Nuotio, Kimmo (Eds.), Festschrift in honour of Raimo Lahti, Faculty of Law Univ. of Helsinki, Helsinki, (Forum iuris, ), pp. 43-59
  4. Toward a universal system of crime: comments on George Fletcher’s grammar of criminal law Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2007)
    In: Cardozo Law Review, 28(6), pp. 2647-2673
  5. International core crimes, universal jurisdiction and § 153f of the German Criminal Procedure Code: a commentary on the decisions of the Federal Prosecutor General and the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court in the Abu Ghraib/Rumsfeld case Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2007)
    In: Criminal Law Forum, 18(1), pp. 43-58
  6. The concept of a joint criminal enterprise and domestic modes of liability for parties to a crime. A comparison of German and English Law Journal Article
    Hamdorf, Kai (2007)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 5(1), pp. 208-226
  7. Nulla poena sine lege in international criminal law Contribution
    Ambos, Kai (2006)
    In: Haveman, Roelof (Eds.), Sentencing and sanctioning in supranational criminal law, Intersentia, Antwerpen, (Supranational criminal law. capita selecta, 4), pp. 17-35
  8. Torture in Abu Ghraib: the complaint against Donald Rumsfeld under the German code of crimes against international law Journal Article
    Fischer-Lescano, Andreas (2005)
    In: German Law Journal, 6(3), pp. 689-724
  9. Superior orders - unjust war and the soldier's conscience – case note on the judgment of the German Federal Administrative Court of 21 June 2005, case No. 2 WD 12.04 Journal Article
    Bohlander, Michael (2005)
    In: Inter Alia: University of Durham Student Law Journal, pp. 17-19
  10. International criminal justice is coming home. The new German code of crimes against internal law Journal Article
    Werle, Gerhard ; Jessberger, Florian (2002)
    In: Criminal Law Forum, 13(2), pp. 191-223
  11. The importance of comparative legal research for the development of criminal sciences Contribution
    Eser, Albin (1997)
    In: Blanpain, Roger (Eds.), Law in motion. Recent developments in civil procedure, constitutional, contract, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, (International encyclopaedia of laws, ), pp. 492-517
  12. Criminal liability for the transfer of data in international networks. New challenges for the internet - part 1 Journal Article
    Sieber, Ulrich (1997)
    In: Computer Law & Security Review, 13(3), pp. 151-157
  13. The significance of comparative law for criminal law reform Journal Article
    Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich (1981)
    In: Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, 5(1), pp. 1-26