
Publication type
  • 11 of 1227 Publications

  1. Lifetime abuse and the barriers to women aged 50 and over using domestic violence services in Germany Journal Article
    Höppner, Grit (2025)
    In: Violence against women
  2. Criminal liability of deepfake pornography under Turkish and German criminal law Journal Article
    Eisele, Jörg ; Duman, Irmak (2025)
    In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft, 4(1), pp. 69-82
    Open Access
  3. Hate crimes and hate speech in Germany: mapping of legal provisions and the interpretation of case law Contribution
    Carrera, Enara Garro (2024)
    In: Anderez Belategi, Mikel; Garro Carrera, Enara; Gordon Benito, Iñigo; Landa Gorostiza, Jon-Mirena (Eds.), Hate crimes in comparative legal perspective, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 39-77
  4. The nexus of women and ‘Clan Crime’: unravelling the dynamics and constraints Journal Article
    Jaraba, Mahmoud (2024)
    In: Trends in organized crime
  5. Intimate partner violence in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings of a campus study Contribution
    Haverkamp, Rita ; Hohendorf, Ines (2023)
    In: Muñoz Sánchez, Juan (Eds.), Estudios político criminales, jurídicos penales y criminológicos. Libro homenaje al Profesor José Luis Díez Ripollés, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, (Homenajes y Congresos, ), pp. 1763-1778
  6. Are women of all age groups equally affected by the shadow of sexual assault? Evidence from Germany Journal Article
    Hirtenlehner, Helmut ; Farrall, Stephen ; Groß, Eva (2023)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 20(3), pp. 834-855
  7. Radical men and sympathizing women? Gendered constructions of agency in charges of terrorism in Germany Journal Article
    Eppert, Kerstin ; Roth, Viktoria (2021)
    In: New Journal of European Criminal Law, 12(4), pp. 552-574
  8. Crime, gender and social control in early modern Frankfurt am Main Book
    Kamp, Jeannette (2020)
    Vol. 3, ISBN 9789004388437, Brill, Leiden
  9. Crime and punishment in early modern Germany. Courts and adjudicatory practices in Frankfurt am Main, 1562 - 1696 Book
    Boes, Maria R. (2013)
    ISBN 9781409431473, Ashgate, Farnham

  • 11 of 1227 Publications