
Publication type

  1. National Socialist criminal law. Continuity and radicalization Book
    Ambos, Kai ; Duff, Antony (2019)
    ISBN 9783845299259, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden
  2. Atoning for the murder of millions? The execution of high-ranking Nazis after the Second World War Journal Article
    Patin, Nicolas (2018)
    In: Journal of Genocide Research, 20(2), pp. 247-260
  3. Recent trends in German right-wing violence and terrorism: what are the contextual factors behind ‘hive terrorism’? Journal Article
    Koehler, Daniel (2018)
    In: Perspectives on Terrorism, 12(6), pp. 72-88
  4. The eradication of Nazi ideology and terminology from the current German Penal Code Journal Article
    Gordon, Roy H. (2016)
    In: Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion, 17(1), pp. 182-196
  5. Sentencing, judicial discretion, and political prisoners in pre-war Nazi Germany Journal Article
    Geerling, Wayne ; Magee, Gary B.; Smyth, Russell (2016)
    In: The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 46(4), pp. 517-542
  6. The enabler, the true believer, the fanatic: German justice in the Third Reich Journal Article
    Sfekas, Stephen J. (2015)
    In: Journal Jurisprudence, pp. 189-230
  7. Criminal law after National Socialism : the Renaissance of natural law and the beginnings of penal reform in West Germany Contribution
    Gödecke, Petra (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 270-301
  8. Serious juvenile crime in Nazi Germany Contribution
    Waite, Robert G. (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 247-269
  9. Between reform and repression: imprisonment in Weimar Germany Contribution
    Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 115-136
  10. Open Access
  11. Administrative penalties in the Rechtsstaat. On the emergence of the Ordnungswidrigkeit sanctioning system in post-war Germany Journal Article
    Ohana, Daniel (2014)
    In: University of Toronto Law Journal, 64(2), pp. 243-290
  12. Why it is high time to reform the homicide statutes Journal Article
    Maas, Heiko (2014)
    In: German Law Journal, 15(6), pp. 1029-1034
  13. Administration of German criminal justice under military government Contribution
    Kirchheimer, Otto (2013)
    In: Kirchheimer, Otto; Laudani, Raffaele; Marcuse, Herbert; Neumann, Franz (Eds.), Secret reports on Nazi Germany. The Frankfurt School contribution to the war effort, Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp. 318-344
  14. Police science in Germany: its process of coming of age or a case of a split or good weather version? Contribution
    Sack, Fritz (2011)
    In: Spapens, A. (Eds.), Universalis. Liber amicorum Cyrille Fijnaut, Intersentia, Antwerpen, pp. 587-599