
Publication type

  1. Between international solidarity and “no safe haven”: The German Völkerstrafgesetzbuch 20 years on Contribution
    Burghardt, Boris (2023)
    In: Crippa, Maria; Jessberger, Florian; Meloni, Chantal (Eds.), Domesticating international criminal law. Reflections on the Italian and German experiences, Routledge, Abingdon, (Directions and Developments in Criminal Justice and Law, ), pp. 90-101
  2. The law of Damals, the Verbrecherstaat and postwar German justice Contribution
    Douglas, Lawrence (2022)
    In: Burghardt, Boris; Jeßberger, Florian; Vormbaum, Moritz (Eds.), Strafrecht und Systemunrecht. Festschrift für Gerhard Werle zum 70. Geburtstag, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, pp. 569-579
  3. Making the “world spectacle trial“: Design as forensic practice at the Nuremberg Trials Journal Article
    Azuero-Quijano, Alejandra (2021)
    In: Grey Room, pp. 64-85
  4. Autonomy and the right to (end one’s?) life: a German perspective Contribution
    Momsen, Carsten ; Schwarze, Mathis (2021)
    In: Forster, Charles; Herring, Jonathan; O'Neill, Clayton; Tingle, John (Eds.), Routledge handbook of global health rights, Routledge, London, pp. 332-347
  5. Desecration of corpses in relation to § 8(1) no. 9 German Code of Crimes against International Law (VStGB): the judgment of the German Federal Court of Justice ( Bundesgerichtshof ) of July 27, 2017–3 StR 57/17 Journal Article
    Bergmann, Vanessa ; Blenk, Franziska ; Cojger, Nathalie (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(2), pp. 276-287
  6. Germany Contribution
    Akinrinade, Babafemi (2021)
    In: Akinrinade, Babafemi (Eds.), Atrocity crimes, atrocity laws and justice in Africa, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 266-270
  7. Manipulation of medical patient data in organ transplantation as attempted homicide? Contribution
    Verrel, Torsten (2020)
    In: Dannecker, Gerhard; Pohlmann, Markus; Valarini, Elizangela (Eds.), Bribery, fraud, cheating. How to explain and to avoid organizational wrongdoing, Springer VS, Wiesbaden; Heidelberg, (Organization, management and crime - Organisation, Management und Kriminalität, ), pp. 207-215
  8. Cunning passages: Historiography's ways in and out of the Nuremberg courtroom Journal Article
    Priemel, Kim Christian (2020)
    In: Central European History, 53(4), pp. 785-810
  9. Refusal of European arrest warrants due to fair trial infringements : review of the CJEU’s judgment in “LM” by national courts in Europe Journal Article
    Wahl, Thomas (2020)
    In: eucrim - The European Criminal Law Associations' Forum, pp. 321-330
  10. The constitutionality of § 89a of the German Criminal Code (StGB) and the concept of a serious act of violent subversion: the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof), Judgement of 8 th May 2014 - 3 StR 243 / 13 Journal Article
    Ohnesorge, Christopher ; Wilkes, Julia ; Eichfelder, Marius ; Rastegar, Jinnus ; Derra, Matthias ; Balmer, Julia (2017)
    In: German Law Journal, 18(3), pp. 631-646
  11. Perpetrators and accessories in international criminal law. Individual modes of responsibility for collective crimes Book
    Jain, Neha (2016)
    ISBN 9781509907397, Hart Publishing, Oxford
  12. Crime and literature in the Weimar Republic and beyond : telling the tale of the poisoners Ella Klein and Margarete Nebbe Contribution
    Herzog, Todd (2014)
    In: Wetzell, Richard (Eds.), Crime and criminal justice in modern Germany, Berghahn Books, New York, (Studies in German history, 16), pp. 226-244