
Publication type
  • 6 of 1168 Publications

  1. Rising punitivity in times of economic crisis? Assessing the relationship between the economic situation and the longing for harsher sanctioning Journal Article
    Hanslmaier, Michael ; Baier, Dirk (2016)
    In: International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 40(4), pp. 293-306
  2. The political economy of the environmental criminal justice system: a production function approach Journal Article
    Almer, Christian ; Goeschl, Timo (2011)
    In: Public Choice, 148(3-4), pp. 611-630
  3. Socioeconomic and demographic factors of crime in Germany Journal Article
    Entorf, Horst ; Spengler, Hannes (2000)
    In: International Review of Law and Economics, 20(1), pp. 75-106

  • 6 of 1168 Publications