
Publication type
  • 10 of 1168 Publications

  1. The law of Damals, the Verbrecherstaat and postwar German justice Contribution
    Douglas, Lawrence (2022)
    In: Burghardt, Boris; Jeßberger, Florian; Vormbaum, Moritz (Eds.), Strafrecht und Systemunrecht. Festschrift für Gerhard Werle zum 70. Geburtstag, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, pp. 569-579
  2. Civilian crime during the British and American occupation of Western Germany, 1945–1946: Analyses of military government court records Journal Article
    Kehoe, Thomas J.; Kehoe, E. James (2022)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 19(1), pp. 3-28
  3. “The limits of human jurisdiction”: Protestantism, war crimes trials, and human rights in occupied Germany Journal Article
    Bloch, Brandon (2021)
    In: The Journal of Modern History, 93(2), pp. 363-400
  4. Making the “world spectacle trial“: Design as forensic practice at the Nuremberg Trials Journal Article
    Azuero-Quijano, Alejandra (2021)
    In: Grey Room, pp. 64-85
  5. Cunning passages: Historiography's ways in and out of the Nuremberg courtroom Journal Article
    Priemel, Kim Christian (2020)
    In: Central European History, 53(4), pp. 785-810
  6. The Heidelberg circle of jurists and its struggle against allied jurisdiction: Amnesty-lobbyism and impunity-demands for National Socialist war criminals (1949–1955) Journal Article
    Glahé, Philipp (2019)
    In: Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d’histoire du droit international, 22(1), pp. 1-44
  7. Atoning for the murder of millions? The execution of high-ranking Nazis after the Second World War Journal Article
    Patin, Nicolas (2018)
    In: Journal of Genocide Research, 20(2), pp. 247-260
  8. The enabler, the true believer, the fanatic: German justice in the Third Reich Journal Article
    Sfekas, Stephen J. (2015)
    In: Journal Jurisprudence, pp. 189-230

  • 10 of 1168 Publications