
Publication type
  • 3 of 1168 Publications

  1. The offences of slavery, servitude, forced labour and labour exploitation: A comparative study (Part II) Journal Article
    Cucinotta, Carlo (2022)
    In: European Criminal Law Review, 12(3), pp. 286-313
  2. "Multi-cultural societies and criminal law – how to accommodate cultural diversity?" Contribution
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2021)
    In: Bruns, Alexander; Bu, Yuanshi; Hein, Jan; Meier, Sonja; Merkt, Hanno; Pawlik, Michael; Takahashi, Eiji; Vöneky, Silja (Eds.), Legal theory and interpretation in a dynamic society, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, pp. 335-362
  3. “I don't take this man to be my lawfully wedded husband”: considering the criminal offense of “forced marriage” and its potential impact on the lives of girls and young women with migrant backgrounds in Germany Journal Article
    Braun, Kerstin (2015)
    In: German Law Journal, 16(4), pp. 845-869

  • 3 of 1168 Publications