
Publication type

  1. The ECHR and the German system of preventive detention : an overview of the current legal situation in Germany Contribution
    Kinzig, Jörg (2013)
    In: Caianiello, Michele (Eds.), Preventing danger. New paradigms in criminal justice, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, pp. 71-95
  2. The European influence on German anti-terrorism law Journal Article
    Petzsche, Anneke (2012)
    In: German Law Journal, 13(9), pp. 1056-1065
  3. The reception of ECtHR decisions by German criminal courts - illustrated by means of the ECtHR judgment of 17 December 2009 on the German Law on Preventive Detention Journal Article
    Frommann, Maike (2012)
    In: Hanse Law Review, 8(1), pp. 81-99
  4. Case note - Retrospective preventive detention in Germany : a comment on the ECHR decision Haidn v. Germany of 13 January 2011 Journal Article
    Merkel, Grischa (2011)
    In: German Law Journal, 12(3), pp. 968-977
  5. “Preventive Detention.” No. 2 BvR 2365/09 Journal Article
    Andenas, Mads ; Bjorge, Eirik (2011)
    In: American Journal of International Law, 105(4), pp. 768-774
  6. Can the 2008 framework decision on the fight against organized crime influence German criminal law Journal Article
    Moosa, Amir Makee ; Seesko, Friederike (2010)
    In: German Yearbook of International Law, pp. 993-998
  7. Fighting terrorism through multilevel criminal legislation. Security Council Resolution 1373, the EU framework decision on combating terrorism and their implementation in Nordic, Dutch and German criminal law Book
    Husabø, Erling Johannes; Bruce, Ingvild (2009)
    ISBN 9789004177574, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden
  8. The perception of the principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters in Germany Contribution
    Wahl, Thomas (2009)
    In: Surano, Laura; Weyembergh, Anne; van Vernimmen-Tiggelen, Gisèle (Eds.), The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union, Ed. de l'Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, (Series "Etudes européennes", ), pp. 115-146
  9. Germany Contribution
    Sinn, Arndt ; Wörner, Liane (2008)
    In: Górski, Adam; Hofmanski, Piotr (Eds.), The European arrest warrant and its implementation in the member states of the European Union, Beck, Warszawa, pp. 244-265
  10. The German perspective Contribution
    Sinn, Arndt ; Wörner, Liane (2008)
    In: Górski, Adam; Hofmanski, Piotr (Eds.), The European arrest warrant and its implementation in the member states of the European Union, Beck, Warszawa, pp. 28-34
  11. Corruption as business practice? Corporate criminal liability in the European Union Journal Article
    Hetzer, Wolfgang (2007)
    In: European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 15(3-4), pp. 383-405
  12. The European arrest warrant and its implementation in Germany, its constitutionality, laws and current developments Journal Article
    Sinn, Arndt ; Wörner, Liane (2007)
    In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, pp. 204-220