
Publication type
  • 11 of 1168 Publications

  1. On the relationship between German international criminal law and counter-terrorism criminal law Journal Article
    Geneuss, Julia (2024)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice
  2. The 'rocker' phenomenon in Germany: perceptions and government responses to outlaw bikers in historical perspective Contribution
    Heitmüller, Ulrike ; Lampe, Klaus (2020)
    In: Antonopoulos, Georgios; Harvey, Jackie; Lampe, Klaus; Siegel, Dina; van Duyne, Petrus (Eds.), Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. From organised crime to crime-terror nexus, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 477-503
  3. Identifying German legal approaches to terror - how the constitution shapes legislation allowing the shooting down of a hijacked plane Journal Article
    Müller, Lukas Frederik (2018)
    In: German Law Journal, 19(1), pp. 113-136
  4. Managing urban safety and security in Germany: Institutional responsibility and individual competence Journal Article
    Frevel, Bernhard (2013)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, 10(3), pp. 354-367
  5. Right to resistance and terrorism – the example of Germany Journal Article
    Gesk, Georg (2012)
    In: German Law Journal, 13(9), pp. 1075-1094
  6. The European influence on German anti-terrorism law Journal Article
    Petzsche, Anneke (2012)
    In: German Law Journal, 13(9), pp. 1056-1065
  7. Criminal involvement in terrorist associations - classification and fundamental principles of the German Criminal Code section 129a StGB Journal Article
    Kretschmer, Bernhard (2012)
    In: German Law Journal, 13(9), pp. 1016-1036
  8. Undesirable posters and dubious symbols. Anglo-German legal solutions to the display of right-wing symbolism and propaganda Journal Article
    Newman, Christopher J.; Rackow, Peter (2011)
    In: The Journal of Criminal Law, 75(2), pp. 142-155
  9. Case comment: German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof-BGH). Decision of 16 May 2007, Case No. AK 6/07 and StB 3/07. Promoting a terrorist organisation: support versus recruitment of members or supporters Journal Article
    Gut, Till (2007)
    In: The Journal of Criminal Law, 71(6), pp. 491-496
  10. Counterterrorism policies in Germany Book
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2006)
    Vol. 38, ISBN 3861131641, Max-Planck-Inst. für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg i. Br.
  11. Current legal developments Journal Article
    Hunnings, N. March (1972)
    In: International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 21(2), pp. 375-389

  • 11 of 1168 Publications