Publication type

  1. Women who kill their abusive intimate partners in non-confrontational circumstances - The need for German criminal law reform Journal Article
    Braun, Kerstin (2024)
    In: International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy
  2. Section 219a: A eulogy Journal Article
    Hoppe, Michel (2024)
    In: Heine Law Review, pp. 18-57
  3. The genocide against the Yazidis in the focus of the German Federal Court of Justice Journal Article
    Schramm, Edward (2024)
    In: Transatlantic Law Journal, pp. 58-61
  4. Consent: Making the difference between pleasure and crime Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2024)
    In: Caletti, Gian; Summerer, Kolis (Eds.), Criminalizing intimate image abuse. A comparative perspective, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 259-276
  5. Use and abuse of social media as a punitive remedy in light of criminal law: A tool or a court? Analysis of the Chilean regulation Journal Article
    Castillo Ara, Alejandra (2024)
    In: Social Science Computer Review
  6. Room for improvement: A critical assessment of 20 years of the code of crimes against international law in Germany from an NGO perspective Journal Article
    Kaleck, Wolfgang ; Schüller, Andreas (2024)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 21(4), pp. 857-870
  7. Shortcomings of a showpiece: Reflections on the need for reform of the German code of crimes against international law and challenges for its application Journal Article
    Epik, Aziz ; Steinl, Leonie (2024)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 21(4), pp. 815-837
  8. A short history of prosecuting crimes under international law in Germany Journal Article
    Jeßberger, Florian (2024)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 21(4), pp. 779-792
  9. “Killing all infidels”: Leaking prior to islamist terrorist attacks in Germany Journal Article
    Tampe, Laura ; Bondü, Rebecca (2024)
    In: Terrorism and Political Violence, pp. 1-16
  10. Effects of shift work on the mental health of police officers: Results from a study within the police of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Journal Article
    Opielka, Sascha ; Staller, Mario (2024)
    In: Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, pp. 1-12
  11. Legality, non-arbitraryness and judicial and administrative discretion in sentencing and enforcement of sentences in the German system Contribution
    Haverkamp, Rita ; Kaspar, Johannes (2024)
    In: Guzman Dalbora, José; Krabbe, Maartje; van Kempen, Piet (Eds.), Legality and other requirements for sentencing: An international and comparative perspective on non-arbitrary punishment and sentencing discretion, Boom Uitgevers, The Hague, pp. 223-246
  12. Exploring heterogeneous effects of victimization on changes in fear of crime: The moderating role of neighborhood conditions Journal Article
    Kaiser, Florian ; Oberwittler, Dietrich ; Janssen, Heleen J.; Hoffman, Lesa (2024)
    In: Justice Quarterly, pp. 1-30
  13. Faithful and fearful: Does religion promote or reduce fear of crime in Germany? Journal Article
    Steinmann, Jan-Philip (2024)
    In: European Journal of Criminology, pp. 1-34
  14. The price of freedom: Criminalization and the management of outsiders in Germany and the United States Book
    Soyer, Michaela (2024)
    ISBN 9780520394254, University of California Press, Oakland