
Publication type

  1. Comparative approaches to criminal procedure. Transplants, translations, and adversarial-model reforms in European Criminal Process Contribution
    Grande, Elisabetta (2019)
    In: Brown, Darryl; Hörnle, Tatjana; Turner, Jenia; Weisser, Bettina (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of criminal process, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 66-88
  2. On the overdue reform of criminal sanction law for adult offenders Contribution
    Duttge, Gunnar (2019)
    In: Duttge, Gunnar; Jun, Ji-Yun (Eds.), Comparative law in a changing world. Historical reflections and future visions fünftes Symposium der Juristischen Fakultät der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen mit der Yonsei Law School (Seoul), Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen, (Göttinger juristische Schriften, Band 25), pp. 37-48
    Open Access
  3. Limits of victim participation in adversarial and non-adversarial systems. A case study of Germany and Australia Contribution
    Braun, Kerstin (2019)
    In: Braun, Kerstin (Eds.), Victim participation rights. Variation across criminal justice systems, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, (Palgrave studies in victims and victimology, ), pp. 203-232
  4. Reforms of the criminal sanctions system in Germany – achievements and unresolved problems Journal Article
    Dünkel, Frieder (2019)
    In: Juridica International, pp. 37-48
  5. Criminal law Contribution
    Hörnle, Tatjana ; Vavra, Rita (2019)
    In: Wagner, Gerhard; Zekoll, Joachim (Eds.), Introduction to German law, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, pp. 503-536
  6. The potential to secure a fair trial through evidence exclusion. A German perspective Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2019)
    In: Gless, Sabine; Richter, Thomas (Eds.), Do exclusionary rules ensure a fair trial? A comparative perspective on evidentiary rules, Springer, Cham, (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, volume 74), pp. 61-92
  7. #MeToo - implications for criminal law? Journal Article
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2019)
    In: Bergen Journal of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice, 6(2), pp. 115-135