
Publication type

  1. Legal translation and comparison: Challenges of Verständigung in German criminal procedure law Contribution
    Rinceanu, Johanna (2021)
    In: Bercea, Lucian (Eds.), Liber amicorum Viorel Paşca 70. Reforma reformei legislaţiei penale. Reforming the reform of criminal legislation, Editura Universul Juridic, Bucuresti, pp. 399-405
  2. Counteraction to offenses against sexual self-determination of minors in criminal law of Germany Contribution
    Manna, Ammar Abdul Karim; Gumel, Naguib Ali Seif El; Saifullina, Maria Ivanovna (2021)
    In: (Eds.), Proceedings of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Criminal Law and Operative Search Activities: Problems of Legislation, Science and Practice”, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, pp. 394-399
  3. Sexual violence in the digital age: a criminal law conundrum? Journal Article
    Jurasz, Olga ; Barker, Kim (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(5), pp. 784-799
  4. The right to assisted dying: constitutional jurisprudence and its impact in Canada, Germany and Austria Journal Article
    Braun, Kerstin (2021)
    In: ICL Journal, 15(3), pp. 291-318
  5. Victims’ rights looking good on paper - How criminal prosecution in Germany fails victims of sexual violence Journal Article
    Wolf, Anne-Katrin ; Werner, Maja (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(5), pp. 800-816
  6. “Mixed” sexual offending against both children and adults: An empirical comparison with individuals who exclusively offended against child or adult victims Journal Article
    Link, Eva ; Lösel, Friedrich (2021)
    In: Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(11), pp. 1616-1633
  7. Mothers' opinions on vaccinations and penal responsibility for vaccination avoidance in nine selected European countries: Findings from a cross-sectional survey Journal Article
    Pisaniak, Paulina ; Konarska, Milena ; Tarczon, Aleksander ; Stawowy, Bartłomiej ; Bejster, Karolina ; Piórek, Weronika ; Mędrzycka-Dąbrowska, Wioletta ; Ozga, Dorota (2021)
    In: Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, pp. 1241-1254
  8. Unintended consequences of drug policies experienced by young drug users in contact with the criminal justice systems Journal Article
    Moskalewicz, Jacek ; Dąbrowska, Katarzyna ; Herold, Maria Dich; Baccaria, Franca ; Rolando, Sara ; Herring, Rachel ; Thom, Betsy ; Kahlert, Rahel ; Stummvoll, Günter ; Moazen, Babak ; Stöver, Heino ; Pisarska, Agnieszka (2021)
    In: Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 28(1), pp. 36-47
  9. Typology of murder-suicides in Berlin according to a longitudinal study based on autopsy files Journal Article
    Zimmermann, Milan ; Tsokos, Michael (2021)
    In: Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, 17(2), pp. 247-253
  10. The pandemic and criminal law – a look at theory and practice in Germany Journal Article
    Lorenz, Henning ; Turhan, Engin (2021)
    In: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 26(6), pp. 9-26
  11. Of forging into swords on the dialectic of rights and the new liberal desire for criminal law Contribution
    Burchard, Christoph (2021)
    In: Ghanayim, Khalid; Shany, Yuval (Eds.), The quest for core values in the application of legal norms. Essays in honor of Mordechai Kremnitzer, Springer, Cham, pp. 37-59
  12. Making the “world spectacle trial“: Design as forensic practice at the Nuremberg Trials Journal Article
    Azuero-Quijano, Alejandra (2021)
    In: Grey Room, pp. 64-85
  13. Criminal law in multicultural societies Contribution
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2021)
    In: Ghanayim, Khalid; Shany, Yuval (Eds.), The quest for core values in the application of legal norms. Essays in honor of Mordechai Kremnitzer, Springer, Cham, pp. 85-102
  14. Corporate responsibility in Germany Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2021)
    In: Ghanayim, Khalid; Shany, Yuval (Eds.), The quest for core values in the application of legal norms. Essays in honor of Mordechai Kremnitzer, Springer, Cham, pp. 103-119
  15. The German network enforcement act on the test bench Contribution
    Hilgendorf, Eric (2021)
    In: Ghanayim, Khalid; Shany, Yuval (Eds.), The quest for core values in the application of legal norms. Essays in honor of Mordechai Kremnitzer, Springer, Cham, pp. 161-175