
Publication type

  1. A phenomenological ethnography of shame in the context of German criminal law Journal Article
    Landweer, Hilge ; Kozin, Alexander ; Rosenmüller, Stefanie (2015)
    In: Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 6(1), pp. 57-75
  2. Trial and error - a critique of the new German draft code for a genuine corporate criminal liability Journal Article
    Rübenstahl, Markus ; Brauns, Christian (2015)
    In: German Law Journal, 16(4), pp. 871-886
  3. “I don't take this man to be my lawfully wedded husband”: considering the criminal offense of “forced marriage” and its potential impact on the lives of girls and young women with migrant backgrounds in Germany Journal Article
    Braun, Kerstin (2015)
    In: German Law Journal, 16(4), pp. 845-869
  4. (Ir-)responsible disclosure of software vulnerabilities and the risk of criminal liability Journal Article
    Brodowski, Dominik (2015)
    In: it - Information Technology, 57(6), pp. 357-365
  5. Possession as a criminal offence and the function of the mental element: reflections from a comparative perspective Contribution
    Ambos, Kai (2015)
    In: Clark, Roger; Linton, Suzannah (Eds.), For the sake of present and future generations. Essays on international law, crime and justice in honour of Roger S. Clark, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, pp. 391-408
  6. The overall function of international criminal law: striking the right balance between the Rechtsgut and the harm principles Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2015)
    In: Criminal Law and Philosophy, 9(2), pp. 301-329
  7. From Marx to Majewski: a review of the law on voluntary intoxication in the former German Democratic Republic Contribution
    Bohlander, Michael (2015)
    In: Livings, Ben; Reed, Alan; Wake, Nicola (Eds.), Mental condition defences and the criminal justice system. Perspectives from law and medicine, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 275-294
  8. Contemporary problems of labour exploitation Contribution
    Renzikowski, Joachim (2015)
    In: Hilgendorf, Eric; Marschelke, Jan-Christoph; Sekora, Karin (Eds.), Slavery as a global and regional phenomenon, Winter, Heidelberg, (Anglistische Forschungen, 449), pp. 115-130
  9. The protection of state interests and the constitutional order in German criminal law Contribution
    Esser, Robert (2015)
    In: Glaser, Henning (Eds.), Norms, interests, and values. Conflict and consent in the basic constitutional order, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (CPG Series of Comparative Constitutional Law, Politics and Governance, ), pp. 55-74
  10. A civil asset recovery model – the German perspective and european human rights Contribution
    Esser, Robert (2015)
    In: Rui, Jon (Eds.), Non-conviction-based confiscation in Europe. Possibilities and limitations on rules enabling confiscation without a criminal conviction, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht. S, Strafrechtliche Forschungsberichte, 146), pp. 69-109
  11. Forecasting crime in Germany in times of demographic change Journal Article
    Hanslmaier, Michael ; Kemme, Stefanie ; Stoll, Katharina ; Baier, Dirk (2015)
    In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 21(4), pp. 591-610
  12. The schizophrenic jury and other palladia of liberty. A critical historical analysis Journal Article
    Dubber, Markus D. (2015)
    In: Comparative Legal History, 3(2)
  13. Designing trial avoidance procedures for post-conflict, civil law countries. Is German Absprachen an appropriate model for efficient criminal justice in Afghanistan? Journal Article
    Nezaami, Nasiruddin (2015)
    In: ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, 22(1), pp. 1-60