
Publication type

  1. The legal regulation of CCTV in Europe Journal Article
    Gras, Marianne L. (2004)
    In: Surveillance & Society, 2(2/3), pp. 216-229
  2. Abusing state power or controlling risk? Sex offender commitment and Sicherheitsverwahrung Journal Article
    Demleitner, Nora V. (2003)
    In: Fordham Urban Law Journal, 30(5), pp. 1621-1669
  3. The future of liberal democracies in a time of terror. A comparison of the impact on civil liberties in the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States Journal Article
    Boyne, Shawn Marie (2003)
    In: Tulsa Journal of Comparative & International Law, 11(1), pp. 111-178
  4. Corruption in law enforcement agencies - Views from within the criminal justice system: Results from a German corruption study Contribution
    Mischkowitz, Robert (2002)
    In: Fijnaut, Cyrille; Huberts, Leo (Eds.), Corruption, integrity and law enforcement, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, pp. 75-90
  5. Der große Lauschangriff: Germany brings home the war on organized crime Journal Article
    Killean, James J. (2000)
    In: Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, 23(2), pp. 173-216
  6. Criminal prosecution: Developments, trends and open questions in the Federal Republic of Germany Journal Article
    Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2000)
    In: European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 8(3), pp. 245-256
  7. May government ever use torture? Two responses from German law Journal Article
    Brugger, Winfried (2000)
    In: The American Journal of Comparative Law, 48(4), pp. 661-678
  8. Urbanization and crime. Germany 1871 - 1914 Book
    Johnson, Eric Arthur (1995)
    ISBN 9780521527002, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  9. The police security system in the German Democratic Republic Journal Article
    Harnischmacher, Robert (1994)
    In: International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 18(1-2), pp. 277-299
  10. Special methods of investigation for combating organized crime Journal Article
    Gropp, Walter (1993)
    In: European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 1(1), pp. 20-36
  11. The German police forecast for the year 2000: Administrative and policy implications Journal Article
    Stevens, James W. (1987)
    In: International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 11(1-2), pp. 253-262