
Publication type
  • 7 of 1227 Publications

  1. Women who kill their abusive intimate partners in non-confrontational circumstances - The need for German criminal law reform Journal Article
    Braun, Kerstin (2024)
    In: International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy
  2. Reform needs in German criminal law on sexual offenses: The non-compromise of “no-means-no” Contribution
    Gmelin, Lena ; Wörner, Hannah (2023)
    In: Erbaş, Rahime (Eds.), European perspectives on attrition in sexual offenses, Lexington Books, Lanham
  3. The new German law on sexual assault Contribution
    Hörnle, Tatjana (2023)
    In: Hörnle, Tatjana (Eds.), Sexual assault. Law reform in a comparative perspective, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 141-162
  4. Necessity/duress Contribution
    Neumann, Ulfrid (2014)
    In: Dubber, Markus; Hörnle, Tatjana (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of criminal law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 583-606
  5. Germany Contribution
    Ambos, Kai ; Bock, Stefanie (2014)
    In: Bohlander, Michael; Reed, Alan (Eds.), General defences in criminal law. Domestic and comparative perspectives, Ashgate, Farnham, (Substantive issues in criminal law, ), pp. 227-239
  6. Intentional killings. The German law Contribution
    du Bois-Pedain, Antje (2007)
    In: Horder, Jeremy (Eds.), Homicide law in comparative perspective, Hart Publishing, Oxford, (The criminal law library, 6), pp. 55-81

  • 7 of 1227 Publications