
Publication type

  1. The decision of the Bundesverfassungsgericht of March 3, 2004 concerning acoustic surveillance of housing space Journal Article
    Stender-Vorwachs, Jutta (2004)
    In: German Law Journal, 5(11), pp. 1337-1348
  2. Sentencing in Germany Journal Article
    Nestler, Cornelius (2003)
    In: Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 7(1), pp. 109-138
  3. Criminal law Contribution
    Youngs, Raymond (2002)
    In: Youngs, Raymond (Eds.), Sourcebook on German law, Cavendish, London, (Cavendish sourcebook series, ), pp. 617-749
  4. Imprisonment and prisoners' work: Normalization or less eligibility? Journal Article
    Feest, Johannes (1999)
    In: Punishment and Society, 1(1), pp. 99-107
  5. Anchoring the treatment of sentenced prisoners in a rights discourse: The example of rewards for prison labour in German law Journal Article
    van Zyl Smit, Dirk (1999)
    In: South African Law Journal, 116(3), pp. 613-623
  6. The functionalization of the victim in the criminal justice system Journal Article
    Albrecht, Peter-Alexis (1999)
    In: Buffalo Criminal Law Review, 3(1), pp. 91-107
  7. A constitutional duty to outlaw abortion? A comparative analysis for the American and German abortion decisions Journal Article
    Brugger, Winfried (1987)
    In: Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, pp. 49-66
  8. Ignorance or mistake of law Journal Article
    Arzt, Gunther (1976)
    In: American Journal of Comparative Law, 24(4), pp. 646-679
  9. Jurisdiction over Nationals Abroad (Germany) Case Journal Article
    In: Annual Digest and Reports of Public International Law Cases, pp. 294-297