
Publication type

  1. Conflict between the rights of victim of a crime and the rights of the accused under the German and Polish justice system in the context of the case-law of European courts Journal Article
    Kulesza, Cezary (2020)
    In: Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 29(4)
  2. Traditional legal instruments: Germany and the prosecution of national socialist crimes Contribution
    Rommel, Jens (2020)
    In: Eisele, Jörg (Eds.), Past and future. Transitional justice versus traditional criminal justice? : Ways of dealing with past conflicts and past autocracies, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Baden-Baden, (Beiträge zum Strafrecht - Contributions to Criminal Law, ), pp. 23-36
  3. Pre-trial procedure in Germany Contribution
    Möller, Uriel (2020)
    In: Erbaş, Rahime; Jasinski, Daniel; Johnston, Edward (Eds.), A comparative analysis of pre-trial procedure in Europe. The search for an ideal model, Istanbul University Press, Istanbul, pp. 87-107
  4. Criminal process in the dual penal state Contribution
    Dubber, Markus D. (2019)
    In: Brown, Darryl; Hörnle, Tatjana; Turner, Jenia; Weisser, Bettina (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of criminal process, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 2-24
  5. Simplified procedures in criminal matters and the risk of judicial errors: The case of penal orders in Germany Journal Article
    Enescu, Raluca (2019)
    In: Journal on European History of Law, 10(2), pp. 182-187
  6. Truth in criminal law and procedure: the erosion of a fundamental value Journal Article
    Weigend, Thomas (2019)
    In: Juridica International, pp. 28-36
  7. Comparative approaches to criminal procedure. Transplants, translations, and adversarial-model reforms in European Criminal Process Contribution
    Grande, Elisabetta (2019)
    In: Brown, Darryl; Hörnle, Tatjana; Turner, Jenia; Weisser, Bettina (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of criminal process, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 66-88
  8. The potential to secure a fair trial through evidence exclusion. A German perspective Contribution
    Weigend, Thomas (2019)
    In: Gless, Sabine; Richter, Thomas (Eds.), Do exclusionary rules ensure a fair trial? A comparative perspective on evidentiary rules, Springer, Cham, (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, volume 74), pp. 61-92
  9. Human dignity, human rights and criminal procedure – The German perspective Contribution
    Schuster, Frank Peter (2018)
    In: Hilgendorf, Eric; Kremnitzer, Mordechai (Eds.), Human dignity and criminal law. Würzburg Conference on Human Dignity, Human Rights and Criminal Law in Israel and Germany, July 20-22, 2015, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, (Schriften zum Strafrechtsvergleich, Band 4), pp. 139-155
  10. Administrative sanction law in Germany Contribution
    Sieber, Ulrich (2018)
    In: Dyson, Matthew; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), The limits of criminal law. Anglo-German concepts and principles, Intersentia, Antwerp, pp. 301-341
  11. The core legal concepts and principles defining criminal law in Germany Contribution
    Vogel, Benjamin (2018)
    In: Dyson, Matthew; Vogel, Benjamin (Eds.), The limits of criminal law. Anglo-German concepts and principles, Intersentia, Antwerp, pp. 39-69