
Publication type

  1. Desecration of corpses in relation to § 8(1) no. 9 German Code of Crimes against International Law (VStGB): the judgment of the German Federal Court of Justice ( Bundesgerichtshof ) of July 27, 2017–3 StR 57/17 Journal Article
    Bergmann, Vanessa ; Blenk, Franziska ; Cojger, Nathalie (2021)
    In: German Law Journal, 22(2), pp. 276-287
  2. Germany Contribution
    Akinrinade, Babafemi (2021)
    In: Akinrinade, Babafemi (Eds.), Atrocity crimes, atrocity laws and justice in Africa, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, pp. 266-270
  3. Corporate complicity in international crimes through arms supplies despite national authorisations? Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2021)
    In: International Criminal Law Review, 21(1), pp. 181-201
  4. COVID-19 and international crimes trials in Germany Journal Article
    Ritscher, Christian (2021)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 18(5), pp. 1077-1080
  5. The formation of transnational criminal law within the German confederation: A normative order? Contribution
    Tyrichter, Jean Conrad (2019)
    In: Hannappel, Tina; Härter, Karl; Tyrichter, Jean (Eds.), The transnationalisation of criminal law in the nineteenth and twentieth century. Political crime, police cooperation, security regimes and normative orders, Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main, (Studien zu Policey, Kriminalitätsgeschichte und Konfliktregulierung, ), pp. 21-40
  6. Atoning for the murder of millions? The execution of high-ranking Nazis after the Second World War Journal Article
    Patin, Nicolas (2018)
    In: Journal of Genocide Research, 20(2), pp. 247-260
  7. Perpetrators and accessories in international criminal law. Individual modes of responsibility for collective crimes Book
    Jain, Neha (2016)
    ISBN 9781509907397, Hart Publishing, Oxford
  8. Do criminal complaints make sense in (German) international criminal law? A prosecutor's perspective Journal Article
    Beck, Thomas ; Ritscher, Christian (2015)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 13(2), pp. 229-235
  9. Co-perpetration: German dogmatik or German invasion? Contribution
    Ohlin, Jens David (2015)
    In: Stahn, Carsten (Eds.), The law and practice of the International Criminal Court, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 517-537
  10. The overall function of international criminal law: striking the right balance between the Rechtsgut and the harm principles Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2015)
    In: Criminal Law and Philosophy, 9(2), pp. 301-329