
Publication type

  1. Shortcomings of a showpiece: Reflections on the need for reform of the German code of crimes against international law and challenges for its application Journal Article
    Epik, Aziz ; Steinl, Leonie (2024)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 21(4), pp. 815-837
  2. The German code of crimes against international law at twenty: overview and assessment of modern ‘German international criminal law’ Journal Article
    Bock, Stefanie (2023)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, pp. 1-21
  3. The German origins of indirect perpetration through an organised apparatus of power Contribution
    Block, Johannes (2023)
    In: Block, Johannes (Eds.), Reconciling responsibility with reality. A comparative analysis of modes of active leadership liability in international criminal law, T.M.C. Asser Press, Den Haag, (International Criminal Justice Series, 33), pp. 11-79
  4. Corporate complicity in international crimes through arms supplies despite national authorisations? Journal Article
    Ambos, Kai (2021)
    In: International Criminal Law Review, 21(1), pp. 181-201
  5. Perpetrators and accessories in international criminal law. Individual modes of responsibility for collective crimes Book
    Jain, Neha (2016)
    ISBN 9781509907397, Hart Publishing, Oxford
  6. Co-perpetration: German dogmatik or German invasion? Contribution
    Ohlin, Jens David (2015)
    In: Stahn, Carsten (Eds.), The law and practice of the International Criminal Court, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 517-537
  7. Universal jurisdiction as janus-faced. The dual nature of the German international criminal code Journal Article
    Langer, Máximo (2013)
    In: Journal of International Criminal Justice, 11(4), pp. 737-762
  8. Western Sahara and universal jurisdiction in Germany Journal Article
    Bock, Stefanie (2010)
    In: Revue Belge de Droit International / Belgian Review of International Law, pp. 43-60
  9. Dolus eventualis and the Rome Statute without it? Journal Article
    Badar, Mohamed Elewa (2009)
    In: New Criminal Law Review, 12(3), pp. 433-467
  10. The "adversarial" procedure: A model superior to other trial systems in international criminal justice? : Reflexions of a judge Contribution
    Eser, Albin (2008)
    In: Kruessmann, Thomas (Eds.), ICTY towards a fair trial?, NWV, Wien, (Recht. Symposium, ), pp. 206-227
  11. Nulla poena sine lege in international criminal law Contribution
    Ambos, Kai (2006)
    In: Haveman, Roelof (Eds.), Sentencing and sanctioning in supranational criminal law, Intersentia, Antwerpen, (Supranational criminal law. capita selecta, 4), pp. 17-35
  12. Germany Contribution
    Kress, Claus ; MacLean, Jan (2000)
    In: Kress, Claus; Lattanzi, Flavia (Eds.), The Rome statute and domestic legal orders. General aspects and constitutional issues, Ed. Il Sirente, Ripa di Fagnano Alto, pp. 131-154