
Publication type

  1. Contradictions in German penal practices: the long goodbye from the rehabilitation principle Contribution
    Dollinger, Bernd ; Kretschmann, Andrea (2013)
    In: Ruggiero, Vincenzo; Ryan, Mick (Eds.), Punishment in Europe. A critical anatomy of penal systems, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, (Palgrave studies in prisons and penology, ), pp. 132-156
  2. Expected recidivism among young offenders: comparing specific deterrence under juvenile and adult criminal law Journal Article
    Entorf, Horst (2012)
    In: European Journal of Political Economy, 28(4), pp. 414-429
  3. Juvenile law and recidivism in Germany - new evidence from the old continent Journal Article
    Pichler, Stefan ; Roemer, Daniel (2011)
    In: University of Heidelberg - Discussion Paper Series, pp. 1-47
  4. The role of capacity in the adjudication and punishment of youthful offenders in Germany and the United States. A legal comparison Contribution
    Silverman, Emily (2003)
    In: Krakau, Knud; Streng, Franz (Eds.), Konflikt der Rechtskulturen? Die USA und Deutschland im Vergleich, Winter, Heidelberg, (Publikationen der Bayerischen Amerika-Akademie, 3), pp. 135-151
  5. Imprisonment and prisoners' work: Normalization or less eligibility? Journal Article
    Feest, Johannes (1999)
    In: Punishment and Society, 1(1), pp. 99-107
  6. Anchoring the treatment of sentenced prisoners in a rights discourse: The example of rewards for prison labour in German law Journal Article
    van Zyl Smit, Dirk (1999)
    In: South African Law Journal, 116(3), pp. 613-623
  7. Some reflections on the German system of sanctions Journal Article
    Jung, Heike (1996)
    In: Israel Law Review, 30(3-4), pp. 223-233