
Publication type
  • 11 of 1168 Publications

  1. The criminal justice system in Germany Contribution
    Enescu, Rasluca ; Leszczynska, Aneta ; Momsen, Carsten (2023)
    In: Mbuba, Jospeter (Eds.), Comparative criminal justice. International trends and practices, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, pp. 185-201
  2. Intensive supervision of sexual and violent offenders in Germany Contribution
    Dessecker, Axel (2019)
    In: Annison, Harry; Meijer, Sonja; O'Loughlin, Ailbhe (Eds.), Fundamental rights and legal consequences of criminal conviction, Hart Publishing, Oxford, (Oñati international series in law and society, ), pp. 189-208
  3. Punishment as time-out Contribution
    Renzikowski, Joachim (2017)
    In: Aroso Linhares, José Manuel; Fernandes Godinho, Inês (Eds.), Actas do colóquio a pena e o tempo : 11 de Março de 2017. Proceedings of the sysmposium punishment and time: 11th March 2017, Instituto Jurídico, Faculdade de direito, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, pp. 49-62
  4. ‘Der Resozialisierungsgrundsatz’ : Social reintegration as the dominant narrative for community punishment in Germany? Contribution
    Morgenstern, Christine (2016)
    In: McNeill, Fergus; Robinson, Gwen (Eds.), Community punishment. European perspectives, Routledge, London, pp. 72-94
  5. The incompatibility of treatment and punishment Contribution
    Frehsee, Detlev (1995)
    In: Albrecht, Günter (Eds.), Diversion and informal social control, De Gruyter, Berlin, (Prevention and intervention in childhood and adolescence, 17), pp. 369-384
  6. Diversion in German juvenile justice: Its practice, impact, and penal policy implications Contribution
    Heinz, Wolfgang (1995)
    In: Albrecht, Günter (Eds.), Diversion and informal social control, De Gruyter, Berlin, (Prevention and intervention in childhood and adolescence, 17), pp. 159-186
  7. Sentence without conviction : Notes on diversion from the Juvenile Court in the Federal Republic of Germany Contribution
    Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Wolfgang (1995)
    In: Albrecht, Günter (Eds.), Diversion and informal social control, De Gruyter, Berlin, (Prevention and intervention in childhood and adolescence, 17), pp. 105-124

  • 11 of 1168 Publications