
Publication type
  • 2 of 1168 Publications

  1. Is psychopathy elevated among criminal offenders who are under preventive detention pursuant to Section 66 of the German Penal Code? Journal Article
    Habermeyer, Elmar ; Passow, Daniel ; Vohs, Knut (2010)
    In: Behavioral sciences & the law, 28(2), pp. 267-76
  2. Sexual offenders in preventive detention: Data concerning the inmates and expert witness practice Journal Article
    Habermeyer, Elmar ; Passow, Daniel ; Puhlmann, Peter ; Vohs, Knut ; Herpertz, Sabine (2009)
    In: International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 53(4), pp. 373-384

  • 2 of 1168 Publications