
Publication type
  • 4 of 1168 Publications

  1. Legal responses and sentencing in murder cases – a comparison of law and judicial reactions in India and Germany Journal Article
    Chattoraj, Paromita ; Meier, Bernd-Dieter (2018)
    In: Criminal Law Forum, 29(1), pp. 121-155
  2. Legal constraints on the indeterminate control of ‘dangerous’ sex offenders in the community: the German perspective Journal Article
    Meier, Bernd-Dieter (2016)
    In: Erasmus Law Review, 9(2), pp. 83-94
  3. Juvenile justice in different cultural contexts: a comparison of India and Germany Journal Article
    Meier, Bernd-Dieter ; Vasmatkar, Abhijit D. (2011)
    In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik, 6(6), pp. 491-501

  • 4 of 1168 Publications