
Publication type
  • 2 of 1168 Publications

  1. Overuse in the Criminal Justice System in Germany Contribution
    Haverkamp, Rita ; Cirener, Gabriele ; Boetticher, Axel ; Feest, Johannes (2019)
    In: Jendly, Manon; Kempen, P. (Eds.), Overuse in the criminal justice system. On criminalization, prosecution and imprisonment = Le recours excessif au systéme de justice pénal aux sanctions et poursuites pénales et à la détention, Intersentia, Cambridge, pp. 333-362
  2. Imprisonment and prisoners' work: Normalization or less eligibility? Journal Article
    Feest, Johannes (1999)
    In: Punishment and Society, 1(1), pp. 99-107

  • 2 of 1168 Publications